About Auther:

Leigh Gordon is an avid surfer, writer, and blogger living in San Diego. She spends time hiking and traveling, and enjoys seeing all that California and the world have to offer. She owns a yellow lab named Finn.

Most Popular Power Boats and Why to Use Them

With such a huge variety of different kinds of power boats on the market, you might find it more than a little challenging to know how to select the right one. There are, after all, several factors that go into choosing one, such as what you plan on using it for and how it fits…

5 Popular Types of Sailboats and Why They’re Loved

In choosing a sailboat, many people find it difficult to know where to start. Since there are so many different kinds and they all seem to be used for distinct purposes, how can you begin to figure out which one is the right fit for you? This process can be simplified greatly if you have…